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Jetzt kostenlos anmeldenSonaten von Mozart und Haydn, div. Bände; Beethoven, Schubert, Bach...
Verschenke 3 Doppelpacks rahmenlose Bilderträger. 18x24 cm
Mitmachangebote, Pop-up-Bar und Rätselstationen im ganzen Haus. Klangstadt, das Kulturbüro, die Oldesloer Bühne, die Oldesloer Musikschule für Stadt und Land, die Stadtinfo und die Volkshochschule laden ein. Angebot von VHS English Dozentin Sabrina Ward: A fun meet & greet with your English teacher (Raum A110) ACTIVITIES - The quiz! Can you answer these questions on English culture? (dig. white board) - The fun facts! What do you know about these items from the UK, the US and Australia? - The challenge! Who wants to play an English game?
Be spontaneous & meet me Mon 7th, @5.45pm at the OHO to watch this great movie together & have a chat afterwards - join the English cinema club! Looking for the real cinema experience with the English original without having to travel far? Join us for the Cinema Club! We meet once a month to watch an English-language film in the OHO-Kino right here in Bad Oldesloe. After the film, we go to the KuB and spend an hour talking about the film we've just seen. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet likeminded people and share the authentic cinema experience.