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Cocoonababy®, der ergonomische geformte Kokon der französischen Firma Red Castle, schafft hier Abhilfe. Er bringt dem Baby die Nähe und Geborgenheit zurück, die es im Bauch der Mutter hatte. Zustand Sehr gut zusätzlich Red Castle DE 0443166 Spannbetttuch Cocoonababy - Baumwolle, Weiß RED CASTLE CocoonaBaby Schutzhülle, Weiß Alles zusammen kostet neu 200 Euro, wir verkaufen für 70 Euro
Dieses Set, in sehr gutem Zustand, ohne Matratze für 150 Euro
I am selling a seat that helped creating many precious memories with my son. Bringing your little one on the front seat enables you to watch their experience and witness them discover the world from a new perspective, not only as a passenger, but as your co-pilot (and sometimes your navigator). I am already missing that, but my son is getting too big for the seat, so time to let it go. Recommended for >10 months old, until ~3 years old. Maximum weight: 15kg The seat is detachable from the base so it is easy to remove it when not in use. It can also be locked with its key to prevent it from being taken away. You can find more details on the following Amazon link: