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TEDxWHU Talks 2019 "Ctrl+Alt+Delete - Rethink" Inspiring Talks

Kurzweilige unterhaltsame und inspirierende TEDx Talks auf Englisch mit Gästen aus verschiedenen Bereichen rund um's Thema Zukunftsvision...

....eingebettet in ein nettes Rahmenprogramm, das wunderbar Gelegenheit bietet, neue Leute kennenzulernen, sich miteinander auszutauschen, zu networken oder einfach nur ein paar schöne unterhaltsame Stunden zu haben und gleichzeitig auch noch sein Englisch aufzupolieren ;)

On Saturday February 2nd, 2019 TEDxWHU will host the fifth annual TEDx Conference at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar, Germany.

This year's event theme is going to be "Ctrl + Alt + Delete - Rethink" bringing you once again interesting speakers from diverse backgrounds.

The full-day event will provide various networking opportunities for participants, speakers and partners during the networking breaks and our Meet & Eat.

Look forward to:

a full-day Event
inspiring speakers
networking in-between the TEDx Talks
a Meet & Eat in the evening

Tickets include access to all talks, beverages and snacks during the day as well as a get together at the end of the day.

Our TEDxWHU event will build on the success of the last events and we will feature inspiring speakers providing insights into their vision of future society.

This time we will present you amazing TEDx Talks with the following speakers:

Famous German quizzer and currently reigning German double quiz champion. He is among the five best "Juniors" worldwide, i.e. quiz mates under 30 years of age, and as an eight-time member of the national team (2010 to 2017) he is the German record national player at the European Quiz Championship.
Also known as "Jäger" from the popular TV Quiz "Gefragt - Gejagt" . The charming one with the colorful shirts ;) - speaks 6 languages.
Be curious what this omniscient and charming entertainer will have to offer us at our event. :)

As a Senior Partner from Roland Berger and head of both the Global Competence Center Digital, as well as ''Spielfeld'', the Digital Hub in Berlin, Prof. Bloching is an expert when it comes to challenges of digitalization in various industries. For a deep-dive into the topic you can also check out his renowned publications ''Data Unser'' and ''Smart Data''.
Who will lead the next industrial revolution? Find out on February 2 in Vallendar!

independent Author, Trainer and Consultant with many years of practical and academic experience in the fields of chairing negotiations, mediations and conflict management. In 2001 he published the book ‘Rational Games’, followed up with "Negotiating the Good Life". He has experience as a negotiator at government level for the US Department of Commerce and in the fields of Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, in the USA and in Europe.
Let's hear what he will tell us about Rethinking :)

Olga is a marketing and innovation expert, and a specialist in gender equality, gender-lens investing, and women and finance. She is the co-founder and program architect of UBS’ Wealth Management change program for women (www.ubs.com/…). This groundbreaking five-year program has pledged to better serve female clients; increase one million women’s financial confidence; and help the UN reach its Sustainable Development Goal number 5 – to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Let's hear what she can tell us about purpose and future currency <3

and many more ....

come and discover

doors open : 12 noon
event starts: 1 pm

tickets and more info:
  • WoBurgplatz 2, 56179 Vallendar
  • Beginn02.02.2019